Photos from 'I See Rev'

Saturday night was the relaunch of Rev for Menai Anglican Church, our young adults group. This album has some higher quality photos taken on Saturday night. More Photos…

11 February 2008 · Caleb Brown

Goodbye Email

In an effort to reduce the noise in my inbox I have closed my long standing email address: [email protected]. As far as free email services go it has served me well. It gave me free POP3 email and wasn’t hotmail at a time when it was king and free POP3 services were rare. Since then free webmail has changed dramatically. Google came along and gave enormous storage and a good interface and made everyone else pick up their game. I’m not sad to see this address go. It was always a temporary stop gap until I bought my own domain and it had become so overrun with spam. It has served me well for the nearly 5 years I’ve had it.

3 February 2008 · Caleb Brown

Website has been upgraded

For those who care my blog is now running on Drupal 5.7 instead of the v4.5 it was on before. Amusingly enough v6.0 is almost out now. Comments have been broken and should be working again now. Most of the site is the same except a few small look and feel changes. The new version allows me a little more flexibility which I’d like to try out, so things might change over the next few months a bit more dramatically....

3 February 2008 · Caleb Brown

Rescuing Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions tend to be given a rough treatment by society. The popular expectation is that no one will succeed at anything they label a new year’s resolution. However despite knowing this people continue to set resolutions. I suspect the idea of self improvement is so desirable it leads people to make resolutions. But it seems the idea of self improvement is desirable only until the point of first failure, after which we try to ignore our lonely goal while it follows us around, nagging loudly, until we give it another chance at the next New Year celebration. People really need to learn to factor failure into their resolution setting, and make the end of the year the deadline - not the 2nd of January.

30 January 2008 · Caleb Brown

The Unbelievable Waleian Adventure

So over New Years a few of us travelled to Victoria for some fun. New Years Eve in Melbourne, hot days traveling the Great Ocean Road, climbing over the Grampians, cheese and wine at sunset, great Indian food in Benalla and much silliness throughout it all. My Photos: The long awaited video clip (thanks Mitch for the editing):

13 January 2008 · Caleb Brown

Back in the game

Well it’s been a while since my last blog. The reason for the lack of posting has been the quiet transition of my web hosting from php4 to php5, thus preventing me from logging in to post. Now that it has been sorted I’ll be doing some more updates in the near feature.

9 January 2008 · Caleb Brown

The Last Day...

My trip has finally come to an end. In a few hours I will be boarding a plane to fly home to Sydney where I face a slightly more normal reality. I am looking forward to climbing into the drivers seat of a car after 11 weeks sitting in the passenger seat (which incidentally is usually the same seat I would sit in to drive my car in Australia). I am looking forward to being back at church and bible study and hearing it all in English once again. I also have the enjoyable task of dealing with all the correspondence of the past 11 weeks and the need to find a source of income soon. Anyhow, I figure I will leave any philosophical musings about what I’ve learned, how I’ve grown, etc for when I return (assuming it happened at all). For now I will stick to recounting my experiences of the past week… ...

22 October 2007 · Caleb Brown

Photos from el Congreso

Photos from the Congreso Nacional de Jovénes in Chile, 2007. A youth camp for all the youth in all the Anglican churches. View more photos…. Fotolog for the Jovenes de la Iglesia Anglicana de Chile (why is fotolog all the rage here?). Fernanda’s photos. She’s much better than I am, and has a better camera too.

17 October 2007 · Caleb Brown

Overdue Update

Hello all, If you’ve managed to keep on top of all the updates you are doing very well, in fact better than me - I’m a week behind. So here I am letting you know I am still alive and what’s been going on…. ...

12 October 2007 · Caleb Brown

Photos from Chile

I’ve uploaded lots of new photos from Chile. Check them out.

11 October 2007 · Caleb Brown