After a year living with Jarad and James in probably one of the best units of any of my friends (except maybe James and Sophie’s), we’ve been served with an eviction notice. That’s right, its over. We have 60 days left.

Fortunately the eviction isn’t because we poured fanta all over the carpet or decided to draw all over the walls with texta. We are being given the notice because our lease is expiring in a week and a bit, and the owner’s daughter is apparently coming back from overseas and is going to move in.

So now the hard work of inspections and moving and house warming parties begins.

Jarad has seen a nice place already, and we went for a nice walk tonight to have a look at it and some of the real estate agents. It was good to get out and reminisce about good times and the work that now has to be done.

I doubt we’ll find a place as good as this one. Maybe if it has a gas stove, dish washer, 2 toilets and builtins in every room it’ll come close.